For the sake of
any idol is willing to sacrifice not to mention dollars. Thousands of youth joined
in the Clouds (name Yesung fan club for 'Super Junior') is even willing to set
aside money to attract the attention of his idol.
How, first they collect donations from each member. The result was stunning collected at least Rp 9 million from thousands of members of the Clouds.
"We are really intent for all rallying all Yesung fan base. There are 9 million raised from donations," said Irma as a member of Super Junior met before a concert in the Eyes of the Eagle International Stadium, Ancol, Jakarta, Saturday (28/4/2012 ) yesterday.
Then, the funds collected are used to make trinkets for Yesung. Such as heart-shaped flyer that reads 'Yesung'. Flyer was given away to spectators and was appointed as Yesung appear.
In addition to their flyer plans also provide a small flag on the last day of the Super Junior concert on Sunday (4/29/2012).
Per day, knick-knacks were printed more than 5,000 fans and have always gone requested.
"The Innovations disparate per day. There is a flag, continue to the liver. Heck out 5000 Per day for 3 days so yes 15,000," said Anggi, other members of the Clouds.
In addition, they also gave gifts containing angklung, mini puppets and other unique crafts. The reason that members of Super Junior who is often dubbed the 'King of Weird' is always remembered for her fans in Indonesia.
How, first they collect donations from each member. The result was stunning collected at least Rp 9 million from thousands of members of the Clouds.
"We are really intent for all rallying all Yesung fan base. There are 9 million raised from donations," said Irma as a member of Super Junior met before a concert in the Eyes of the Eagle International Stadium, Ancol, Jakarta, Saturday (28/4/2012 ) yesterday.
Then, the funds collected are used to make trinkets for Yesung. Such as heart-shaped flyer that reads 'Yesung'. Flyer was given away to spectators and was appointed as Yesung appear.
In addition to their flyer plans also provide a small flag on the last day of the Super Junior concert on Sunday (4/29/2012).
Per day, knick-knacks were printed more than 5,000 fans and have always gone requested.
"The Innovations disparate per day. There is a flag, continue to the liver. Heck out 5000 Per day for 3 days so yes 15,000," said Anggi, other members of the Clouds.
In addition, they also gave gifts containing angklung, mini puppets and other unique crafts. The reason that members of Super Junior who is often dubbed the 'King of Weird' is always remembered for her fans in Indonesia.
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